Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Catbus: for the win!

Looking on craigslist, you can find a good assortment of old and junky things that no one would ever want. While i was on craigslist, looking and some such ads, i came across an ad for the catbus. This is a 1995 Mo' Van that has been converted into a cat. The story behind this monster of a vehicle is that the owner decided one day that he wanted to own a catbus. So he brought his van into the shop and said "HEY, CAN YOU TURN THIS INTO A CATBUS? SO THEY DID. THEN THAT DAY I DROVE IT HOME." The catbus only has 50k miles, is in really good shape, and all of the fur is still there. He is only asking $2900 because, and i quote, "BECAUSE ITS REALLY FURRY AND SOMETIMES PEOPLE GET SICK ON IT." So if you ever have the "i really would like to own a catbus" thought run across your mind, this is the man to go to. For only $2900 that dream can come true.

Here is the like to the so called "catbus".

Monday, April 28, 2008


I personally didn't like the video once. Though it was a really well made video, i personally thought the music was a little off of my taste. I thought the music was too slow and the lyrics were a bit different. The story was pretty good because it had a good flow to it, and the ending gave you one of those "what is going to happen next" feelings.
When it comes to watching movies, i really enjoyed that. It gave another type of visual to the assignment. i really enjoyed the summer of love and go further videos. They both were full of information and gave great examples about how to form a good documentary or a good argument. I think that this is a great way to help with the explination of the assignment and should be continued.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

childhood toys

When i was young my favorite thing to play with, though it wasn't quite a "toy" was my Nintendo. For Christmas one year, my parents bought a Nintendo gaming system and from there on out i was hooked on video games. I spent most of my free time playing either my NES, my Super Nintendo, or my Sega Genesis. all my allowance money went towards buying new games.
This has affected me because now I still play video games and I still spend a lot of free time and money going towards video games. I now own a NES, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, N64, Playstation 1 & 2, and a XBOX 360. I love getting together with friends and playing video games because its a relatively cheap form of entertainment and you can play them for hours on end!

Monday, April 14, 2008

T.V. at its best

One show that i never mind watching when i turn on the television is That 70's Show. Whatever mood i am in, if i turn on That 70's Show, i am always in the mood to watch it. It is a comedy based on a group of friends in the 70's era who hang out in the basement of the main characters house a lot and often have interesting adventures or problems they have to face.
The cast isn't very large, but they can keep together for some entertaining times. There is the main character, Eric who's basement is the main hangout spot. His girlfriend Donna who hosts a radio show. Her best friend Jackie who is very conceited and not very smart. Also, there is Kelso, Jackie's gullable pretty boyfriend who always gets himself in trouble. Then there is my favorite character, Fez, he is a foreign guy who is trying to soak up American culture but always has some sort of issue to deal with.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

extreme emotions

When i think of having extreme emotions i think back to when i lost my grandparents. Both of them were involved in a car accident that killed my grandmother immediately and caused my grandfather to have a stroke which he died of later that evening. This all happened only two weeks after my great grandfather died of lung cancer.
During this time I was extremely sad and dragged down. I felt like death was all around and i kept feeling like something else was going to happen. I also felt like nothing was going right and just felt lonely. Though i was extremely sad about what happened it helped me grow as a person because i had to find a way to overcome my emotions and be a stronger person.

Monday, April 7, 2008


When it comes to advertising, i am personally someone who ignores it the best i can. On t.v., I generally flip to another channel when commercials are on. I have watched shows about how advertising is set up to catch your eye and subliminal messages are used to get you to buy products. Most types of advertising just annoy me so i avoid them.
The only types of advertisments that i like to watch are movie previews. I watch a lot of movies and I like to know which ones are coming out soon. When i go to a movie in the theater my favorite part of the movie is often watching the previews, but not the advertisements they like to stick in between them.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

racism speeches

After reading both Barak Obama's speech and Martin Luther King Jr's speech, it is apparent that racism is still rampant and after all the time in between these speeches, that same problems exist and still need to be taken care of.
In Obama's speech he speaks of looking back at the past, not to get angry at all the problems that were there, but use these to address current issues and figure out how to fix them. Some things that he mentioned are that schools in areas that were segregated before are still inadaquite for young children to learn in.
Marting Luther takes the approach that direct non-violent action is more the way to go to fix problems of segregation and racism. He believes that negotiations need to be made but the only way to get to the negotiations is to cause a small amount of chaos that will force them.